shabby blog

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hana Tajima

Its too sad that nowadays, the trend is that people are afraid to talk about religion or freely admit that they do want to follow religion properly. It is seen as something that one celebrates in a cultural and commercial sense( i.e christmas) but nothing more. Too often we see, rampant in the pop culture phenomenon today, eschewing of anything related to religion. The media does an excellent job of connoting anything connected to religion as indoctrination, rigidity, backwardness and narrowmindedness. So it is rather to refreshing to see a drop dead gorgeous beauty like Hana Tajima, a revert to Islam, put us muslims to shame by showing everyone you can be muslim and not affix yourself into the neat grave of stagnation and stereotype the media and the suspicious world has prepared for us. Truly an inspiration, she makes me think that I can be a good muslim AND be fashionable if I am strong and true like her.
